Monday, March 30, 2020

MinaCelentano - A Un Passo Da Te (Mina & Celentano)

Per niente stanco d'essere lucido (umano)
Troppo umano, circospetto e logico
E mi rivesto delle mie parole
E il tuo silenzio quasi mi commuove, sì
Ma perché il cuore è poco intelligente
Ne avrei da dire ma non dico niente
Sei già a un passo da me
Vorresti dirmi che m'inganno se mi sento libero? (illuso)
E che l'amore mette il cuore in trappola
Sarà un miraggio vecchio come il mondo
Ma galleggiare e poi lasciarsi andare a fondo
Non è poi così indecente
E ragionare è meglio a luci a spente
Sei ad un passo da me
E poi ti fermi, ritratti, riaccendi una nuova teoria
Non ne posso più
Mio Dio che noia, ho bisogno di un drink che mi tiri su
Ma il peggio è che ho bisogno di te
Delle tue mani che resti e t'allontani
Di carne e di senso
Ragione e sentimento, di te
Se no, non riesco a dormire
Mi fai bene anche se dici di no
Io e di te, dei tuoi silenzi, che t'odio e poi mi manchi
Di carne e di senso
Ragione e sentimento, di te
Ma cosa c'è da capire?
Mi fai bene
Guarda il mio cuore, il mio cuore è unico (unico)
Non come fosse solo un caso clinico
Lascia che il sole sciolga un poco il gelo
E che riscaldi un po' il mio cuore sotto zero
Fermo dietro la tua lente
E ti ripeto "calma, sii paziente"
Sei già a un passo da me
Amica mia, non negherai che in pratica (ci siamo)
L'amore è solo una questione chimica
Un espediente dell'evoluzione
Un compromesso fra il dovere e la passione
Certo, sei così attraente
E il tuo profumo annebbia la mia mente
Sei ad un passo da me
E poi, e poi, e poi, e poi
E poi d'un tratto t'arrendi, sorridi, mi senti
Ed io non ci speravo più
Non c'è più niente da capire
Non c'è più niente da chiarire
Spengo la luce, restiamo in silenzio
Ti sfioro e tu
Oh, oh, oh
Ma il peggio è che ho bisogno di te, delle tue mani
Che resti e ti allontani
Di carne e di senso
Ragione e sentimento, di te
Se no non riesco a dormire
Mi fai bene anche se dici di no
Io di te, dei tuoi silenzi e anche dei tuoi giorni stanchi
Di carne e di senso, ragione e sentimento di te
Ma cosa c'è da capire
Mi fai bene
Ma cosa c'è da capire? Mi fai bene
Ma cosa c'è da capire?
(Delle tue mani
Che resti e ti allontani
Di carne e di senso
Ragione e sentimento, di te
Se no non riesco a dormire
Mi fai bene anche se dici di no
Io di te, dei tuoi silenzi e anche dei tuoi piedi stanchi
Di carne e di senso
Ragione e sentimento, di te
Ma cosa c'è da capire?
Mi fai bene)
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Fabio Ilacqua / Adriano Celentano / Celso Valli
A un passo da te lyrics © BMG Rights Management

Sunday, March 29, 2020

ужасно бесят эти скобки
в ответ на все мои слова
как будто ты подстригла ногти
и шлёшь их мне по одному

© ironichna–osoba

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

— Петька, хочешь я тебе про парадоксы расскажу?
— Василий Иванович, я с тобой после нюансов не разговариваю!

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Веллер - Приехали! 12 марта 2020


Dear Friends,
So much confusion, misinformation and denial is bouncing around on social media about the coronavirus that I thought I would try to explain, in plain language, why the experts see this as such an emergency.
You will see the claim online that this virus is a lot like the viruses that cause colds, and that if you get it, it will probably just seem like a bad cold and you are very unlikely to die. Depending on who you are, these statements are probably true. But they are incomplete, and the missing information is the key to understanding the problem.
This is a coronavirus that is new to the human population, jumping into people late last year from some kind of animal, probably at a wildlife market in Wuhan, China. It is related to the viruses that cause colds, and acts a lot like them in many ways. It is very easy to transmit through the respiratory droplets that all of us give off. But nobody has ever been exposed to this before, which means nobody has any immunity to it.
The virus is now moving explosively through the human population. While most people will recover, about 20 percent of the people who catch it will wind up with a serious disease. They will get pneumonia that causes shortness of breath, and they may need hospitalization.
Some of those people will get so sick that they cannot be saved and will die of the pneumonia. The overall death rate for people who develop symptoms seems to be 2 or 3 percent. Once we have enough testing to find out how many people caught the virus but did not develop symptoms, that might come down to about 1 percent, optimistically.
This is a large number. It is at least 10 times higher than the mortality rate for the seasonal flu, for instance, which in some years kills 60,000 or 70,000 Americans. So just on that math, we could be looking at 600,000 or 700,000 dead in the United States. But it gets worse.
Older people with existing health problems are much more vulnerable, on average. The mortality rate of coronavirus among people over age 80 may be 15 or 20 percent. It appears to have 7 or 8 percent mortality for people aged 70 to 79. Here is the terrible part: If you are a healthy younger person, you can catch the virus and, without developing serious symptoms yourself, you can pass it along to older people. In other words, as the virus spreads, it is going to be very easy to go out and catch it, give it to your grandmother and kill her, even though you will not die yourself. You can catch it by touching a door knob or an elevator button.
Scientists measure the spread of an epidemic by a number called R0, or “R naught.” That number is calculated this way: for every person who develops the illness, how many other people do they give it to before they are cured (or dead) and no longer infectious? The R0 for coronavirus, in the absence of a control strategy, appears to be a number close to 3 – maybe a bit higher or lower, but in that ballpark. This is an extremely frightening number for such a deadly disease.
Suppose you catch the virus. You will give it to 3 other people, and they will each give it to three others, and so forth. Here is how the math works, where you, the “index case,” are the first line:
So, in just 15 steps of transmission, the virus has gone from just one index case to 14.3 million other people. Those 15 steps might take only a few weeks. The index person may be young and healthy, but many of those 14 million people will be old and sick, and they will likely die because they got a virus that started in one person's throat.
The United States is not at this point yet, with millions infected, as best we can tell. We don’t really know, because our government has failed us. We are many, many weeks behind other countries in rolling out widespread testing, so we don’t really have a clue how far the thing has spread. We do know that cases are starting to pop up all over the place, with many of the people having no known exposure to travelers from China, so that means this virus has escaped into our communities.
We do not have approved treatments, yet. We do not have a vaccine. The only tool we really have now is to try to slow down the chain of transmission.
This can be done. In other words, R0 is not fixed – it can be lowered by control measures. If we can get the number below 1, the epidemic will die out. This is the point of the quarantines and the contact-tracing that you are hearing so much about in the news. But the virus is exploding so fast that we will not have the labor available to trace contacts for much longer, so we have to shift strategies. This has already begun, but we are not doing it fast enough.
It is now likely that the majority of Americans will get this virus. But slowing it down is still crucial. Why? Because the healthcare system has limited resources. We only have about a million hospital beds in America. We have well under a million ventilators. If millions of Americans get sick enough to need treatment, we will have a calamity on our hands. What will happen is a form of battlefield triage, where the doctors focus on trying to treat the young and allow the older people to die.
This is not theoretical. It is already happening in Italy, where people over 65 are being left alone on hospital gurneys to suffocate to death from pneumonia. They basically drown in their own sputum. There is simply not enough medical capacity to take care of them. The United States appears to be about two weeks behind Italy on the epidemic growth curve.
What do we need to do now? We need to cancel all large gatherings – all of them. You have probably seen that the N.B.A. has postponed the rest of its season. Other sporting events, concerts, plays and everything else involving large audiences in a small space – all of it needs to be canceled. Even if these events take place, do not go to them. No lectures, no plays, no movies, no cruises – nothing.
Stay at home as much as possible.Stay out of restaurants. I would cancel any travel that is not absolutely essential. Work from home if you possibly can. You may have to go buy groceries and medicine, of course, but make the trips quick and purposeful. Wash your hands assiduously after you have been in public places, for a full 20 seconds, soaping up thoroughly and being sure to get between the fingers. Sunlight and alcohol will kill the virus.
And please stop passing around statements on social media claiming that the situation is not serious or is being exaggerated. This is a national crisis, and conveying misinformation to your friends and family may put their lives in danger.

Please share.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Entering Red - Short Movie


Когда я родился эта сучара уже депутатствовала....
теперь эта 82–летняя старушка с деменцией разрабатывает поправки в конституцию.
А тут некоторые факты про ее "героический полёт" после которого как известно она всю жизнь проработала символом:
ткачиху, волюнтаристким решением Никиты Сергеича в космос запульнули в июне 1963 г...

1/ Почему Валя? Всё просто — она единственная из кандидаток оказалась из рабочих, плюс сирота (отец погиб во время финской авантюры 1940 г, когда ей было 2 года)

2/ И таки да, она действительно работала на ткацкой фабрике и занималась в авиакружке парашютным спортом, тогда такой досуг в моде был, ага

3/ Программисты накосячили с траекторией и "Чайка" (позывной Терешковой) болталась на орбите трое суток, вместо запланированных пары часов. Слава тебе яйца в кабине был предусмотрен аварийный запас жрачки в тюбиках, его–то она и хомячила

4/ Никакой программы не планировалось, поэтому поциэнт был жостко зафиксирован в скафандре и привязан к креслу

5/ Валя начала блевать с момента старта и блевала пока не начала отслаиваться слизистая желудка

6/ На все запросы ЦУПа тупо отвечала "корабь не слушается!" (записи переговоров с землей есть в интернетах)

7/ Слава совецким инженерам, удалось произвести автоматическую корректировку орбиты, поскольку от "космонавтки" толку не было никакого

8/ Трое суток блевала и гадила тупо под себя, ибо программой полета двигательной активности не предусматривалось, да и физически встать с кресла не было возможности

9/ После снижения была принудительно катапультирована из спускаемого аппарата, еле избежала приземления в озеро

10/ Спускающийся парашют заметили селяне, шуриком метнулись к месту посадки. Одна сердобольная бабка прибежала с банкой парного молока. Терешкова набросилась на питьё и обосралась еще раз

11/ Медики до сих пор не могут простить "космонавтке" похеренных результатов. А что, кроме анализов, полезного можно было получить от этого "полёта"?

12/ Удалось ли отмыть спускательный аппарат, история умалчивает

13/ КОСМОС НЕ ДЛЯ БАБ! © Сергей Палыч Королёв

Elon Musk Keynote Satellite 2020

Saturday, March 07, 2020

This is Ascento 2

заметки натуралиста

Все звуки, запахи, краски в природе, служат одной цели — приманить. А там уже по обстоятельствам — сожрать или выебать.

Monday, March 02, 2020

У бога спрашивают:
— Скажите, а почему вы не создали жизнь до Большого Взрыва?
— Да вы понимаете... времени не было.